The Client Assistance Program (CAP) at the Disability Law Center assists individuals with disabilities who are applicants or clients of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) or Independent Living Center (ILC). The CAP’s purpose is to inform clients/applicants of their rights under the Rehabilitation Act. CAP can inform and advise clients/applicants of services and benefits available to them through these programs.
CAP can also support and advocate for clients in their relationships with Vocational Rehabilitation or Independent Living if the client or applicant is experiencing any sort of disagreement, denials, or case closure relating to VR or an ILC. If you have any questions or concerns regarding VR or an ILC you can contact a CAP advocate at (800) 662-9080.
Client Assistance Program Resources

Other Sources of Help

DLC may not be able to help with every issue. However, we collaborate with and share information from many organizations. If we are unable to assist with your concern, we have a database of external resources and organizations who may have what you are looking for.