Community Integration
Utahns with disabilities have the right to live and receive services and supports in the most integrated and least restrictive settings appropriate to their choice and needs. The DLC will provide systemic, legally-based advocacy to ensure that individuals with disabilities are being served in the most integrated settings appropriate to their needs and preferences.
The Dangers of Institutional Living: COVID-19 in Utah’s Long-term Care Facilities
Our new report, The Dangers of Institutional Living: COVID-19 in Utah’s Long-term Care Facilities, examines the conditions of residents in Utah’s long-term care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report, which was years-long in the making, provides insight into the pre-existing dangers of institutional living, Utah’s initial COVID response, and the state’s failures in preparing for and responding to the pandemic’s prevalence in long-term care facilities. Additionally, the report takes a look at the funding available to facilities throughout the pandemic and provides an important analysis of the COVID-19 deaths and cases data for facilities across the state.
Home & Community-Based Services in Utah
The compliance deadline for Utah’s implementation of its HCBS settings rule plan has passed. The plan is supposed to make sure every person receiving Home and Community-based Services (HCBS) can get the supports he or she needs to stay healthy, live where and with whom he or she wants, do work he or she likes, and make decisions about his or her life. Under this rule HCBS recipients should have the opportunity to live, work, or play in their community as independently as possible.
- HCBS Settings Rule Webinar
- HCBS Settings Regulations Summary
- DLC Report: Home & Community Based Settings Rule
- In 2017 the Disability Law Center hosted a day-long conference focused on the implementation of the Home Community Based Settings rule and practical strategies for community integration.
View Session Recordings. - HCBS Rules
Class Action Lawsuit: Community Integration for Peoples with Disabilities
In 1999 the US Supreme Court decided Olmstead v. L.C. and found that unnecessary segregation, isolation and institutionalization of people with disabilities is discrimination and against the law.
Today in Utah, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) have two options when they apply for services: receiving them in an Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) or in their homes and communities. Utah offers immediate placement in ICFs, but applicants must wait for years on a list for home and community based services (otherwise known as HCBS, waiver or DSPD services). For those individuals who must receive services immediately because they cannot remain on a waiting list for years, private ICFs are the only option. Once a person is living in a private ICF, he or she effectively does not have the option to leave the ICF and receive services in the community.
Additional Updates and Information
Disability Law Center announces Health Law Partnership with the National Health Law Program.
Under this partnership, the DLC and NHeLP will be working together to ensure medical assistance coverage for low-income Utahns. If you would like more information on NHeLP, please visit their website.
Disability Law Center Receives Award from NDRN for Community Integration
Other Sources of Help

DLC may not be able to help with every issue. However, we collaborate with and share information from many organizations. If we are unable to assist with your concern, we have a database of external resources and organizations who may have what you are looking for.