According to our mission, the DLC believes that individuals with disabilities have the authority to make their own decisions and the same rights and opportunities as those without disabilities. Their voices are heard, which inspires discussion and motivates change. Utahns with disabilities have equitable access to supports and resources needed to be as independent as possible and full participants in their communities.
With this understanding, the DLC advocates for alternatives to guardianship that encourage the participation of the individual. While the DLC understands a full guardianship may be necessary and appropriate in certain cases, our responsibility is to advocate for the wishes of the adults we represent. This includes options that promote self-determination and as much independence as possible, such as supported decision-making, powers of attorney, advance directives, and limited guardianship. Therefore, we do not assist individuals seeking to obtain guardianship. However, we do offer some assistance to potentially protected persons seeking to prevent a guardianship, modify/terminate a guardianship, or subject to possible abuse or neglect.
If you believe the DLC can assist you, you can apply for help or check out our resources below.
Other Sources of Help

DLC may not be able to help with every issue. However, we collaborate with and share information from many organizations. If we are unable to assist with your concern, we have a database of external resources and organizations who may have what you are looking for.