Important 2024 Election Dates
June 25, 2024: Municipal Primary Election
October 25, 2024: Voter Registration Deadline
November 5, 2024: General Election Day
Voting in 2024
This year, the ballot will include candidates for:
- U.S. President and Vice President
- Utah Governor and Lieutenant Governor
- State senators and representatives,
- Federal legislators
- Utah Attorney General
- Utah State Auditor, etc.
There may also be some races for county or local government on your ballot.
Voters will be making decisions about some ballot initiatives which could change the Utah Constitution, alter the tax structure, etc.
To learn more about what you can anticipate on your ballot, go to: Then click on the “Learn about candidates and issues” button.
Your Voting Rights
Your voting rights are protected by the highest laws in our nation. They include:
- You have the right to vote if you are a citizen of the United States and 18 years old.
- You don’t have to pass any kind of test to vote.
- Anyone who will be 18 for the General Election (in November) can vote earlier in the year during primary elections.
- You can pre-register to vote when you are 16 or 17.
- Same-day registration: Vote Centers traditionally offer same-day registration.
- Only a judge can take away your right to vote. That means that even a guardian cannot decide whether you vote, unless the guardianship order signed by the judge says that your guardian can make voting decisions.
- In Utah, you have the right to vote, even if you have a criminal record. A person convicted of a crime and serving time in jail or prison cannot vote while they are incarcerated. Once released, they can register and vote.
- You have the right to vote privately and independently.
- You have the right to an accessible ballot. If you cannot complete the ballot mailed to you without someone helping you, you can request a ballot in a format that meets your needs.
- You can have a person of your choice help you vote. You can’t get help from your boss, union representative, or a candidate.
- You can always ask a poll worker for help voting.
Registering to Vote
There are three ways to register to vote: online, by mail, and in person. The voter registration deadline for any of these methods is 11 days prior to the election.
- Online: To register online you must have a Utah driver license or state issued ID. The address on your ID must match your current residence or you must have informed the Driver License Division of your new address. You may register to vote online at:
- By Mail: To register by mail you may print a registration form here. If you would like the Disability Law Center to send you a registration form, you may contact our intake line at 800-662-9080 or send a request to:
- In-person: During office hours at your County Clerk’s Office. Note: Due to COVID-19 conditions, county clerk offices may have altered their practices of meeting with the public. You may want to call or check their website before visiting the office.
- Same-day registration: Vote Centers traditionally offer same-day registration.
Voter ID
In order to vote in Utah, you must provide Identification. If you register to vote online, the election official views an electronic copy of your ID and adds it to your voter registration file. If you register by mail, you should send a copy of your ID with your ballot the first time you vote. Once a copy of your ID is on file, the election official refers to it each year to confirm the validity of your ballot. The signature from your ID is matched with the signature on the ballot. Therefore, you don’t need to send a copy of your ID with every ballot. Each time you vote in-person, you will be asked to show ID. When your address changes, you should update your ID and registration. Acceptable forms of ID.
Early Voting
Every county is now offering at least four days of early voting during state and federal elections. To find out when early voting is scheduled and where you can go to vote early, contact your county clerk. Feel free to contact the DLC to learn where you can vote or to get answers to any question that you have about voting.
How to Submit my Ballot
- By mail: Every county in Utah has the option for mail-in ballots for federal or state elections. Stamps are preferred but not necessary. If you miss the mail-in deadline, you can drop it off at a vote center on Election Day. State law also requires that every town have a ballot drop box.
- Electronically: If you have a print disability that prevents you from reading or marking a ballot independently, you may qualify to vote electronically. A ballot can be sent to your device. You may mark it using the equipment that you are familiar with and return it electronically. Contact your county clerk’s office for information about how to sign up for this accommodation.
- At a polling place or vote center: This is an option for those who have difficulty reading or marking a paper ballot. Each polling place has accessible voting machines with options for enlarging text, audio ballot, changing contrast, accessible technology plug-ins etc. If you want to know more about the accessibility features, call us at (800) 662-9080 and ask what to expect.
Other Sources of Help

DLC may not be able to help with every issue. However, we collaborate with and share information from many organizations. If we are unable to assist with your concern, we have a database of external resources and organizations who may have what you are looking for.