El Programa de Asistencia al Cliente (CAP) es un recurso independiente y gratuito que le brinda información y apoyo cuando usted está usando los programas de Rehabilitación Vocacional (VR) y Vida Independiente (IL). Este video informativo le dará una introducción al programa CAP y qué puede esperar cuando se comunique con el Disability Law Center para obtener ayuda con sus servicios de VR o IL.
¿Cómo puede ayudarle a usted el programa de asistencia al cliente de DLC?
Updated: 11 months ago
Table of Contents
Client Assistance Program
The Disability Law Center
The Disability Law Center (DLC) is a private, non-profit organization, designated by the governor as Utah’s Protection and Advocacy agency. The DLC believes in a society where abilities, rather than disabilities, are recognized; all people have an equal opportunity to participate; and where all people are treated with equity, dignity, and respect. We work toward our vision by enforcing and advancing the legal rights, choices, and opportunities of Utahns with disabilities. DLC services are available free of charge statewide, regardless of income, legal status, language, or place of residence.
If you have further questions, please contact us. Even though our focus is on cases that can help as many people as possible – because time and resources are limited – we at least offer information and/or referral options to everyone who contacts us. Materials are also available in alternative formats such as audio, large-print, Braille and Spanish. Call (800) 662-9080 or apply for help online, and our staff will contact you within 1-3 business days.