
Our agency helps ensure that people with disabilities have full access to private businesses and to government facilities, programs and services. We also provide resources about accessibility in these places and programs. Examples of our work and resources include:

  • Working to remove architectural barriers
  • Ensuring that necessary aids and services are provided for people with communication disabilities
  • Ensuring that people with disabilities have equal access in higher education, including testing accommodations for professional licensing and certification
  • Advocating to modify policies so that persons with disabilities have equal access
  • Ensuring service animal access
  • Advocating for accessible recreation
  • Requesting reasonable accommodations

Other Sources of Help

Businesswoman talking on phone at office.

DLC may not be able to help with every issue. However, we collaborate with and share information from many organizations. If we are unable to assist with your concern, we have a database of external resources and organizations who may have what you are looking for.