Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS)

Fact Sheet
Updated: 1 year ago
Representative Payee Program

Thinking of Going to Work?

Tens of thousands of people in Utah receive Social Security benefits—either SSI, SSDI, or both. Some Social Security beneficiaries would like to return to work or start working for the first time, but don’t because they are afraid that if they earn money from a job, they will lose their Social Security or other benefits.

The PABSS Program Can Help

The Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS) program is a federally funded program that helps people who get Social Security return to work or keep their current jobs.

How Can PABSS Help Me?

If you decide to go back to work, you may want to talk with someone who understands the legal issues you might face. The PABSS program can put you in touch with specialists who can help you understand how your Social Security and other benefits might be affected by making money from a job.

What Can PABSS Do?

The Disability Law Center (DLC) has attorneys and advocates that work in the PABSS program. In order to qualify for PABSS services you must currently be receiving cash assistance from SSI, SSDI, or both. You must also have a desire to return to work. We can help you to:

  • Understand your rights and how to assert them;
  • Request accommodations that you may need in order to work;
  • Help you file a charge of discrimination if you are discriminated against by an employer based on your disability;
  • Make sure you have access to work incentive programs like subsidies, impairment-related work expenses, continuation of your Medicaid coverage, and more;
  • Understand the services you might be able to access, like subsidized housing, vocational rehabilitation, food stamps, and worker’s compensation;
  • Help you appeal a work-related Social Security overpayment.

What is the Disability Law Center?

The Disability Law Center (DLC) is a private, not-for-profit organization that is designated as Utah’s protection and advocacy agency. We are part of a national system of protection and advocacy agencies that are required by federal law to protect the civil rights of people with disabilities. Materials are available in alternative formats such as audio, large-print, Braille, and Spanish upon request. All our services are provided statewide at no cost.

