2025 Public Comment / HB 310

Updated: 7 days ago
Public Policy

February 25, 2025
Nate Crippes / Public Affairs Supervising Attorney
Andrew Riggle / Public Policy Advocate
(801) 363-1347 / (800) 662-9080

A few of you may be familiar with the Medicaid Work Incentive. For better or worse, depending on your perspective, it’s what’s allowing me to bother you today. Basically, MWI supports Utahns with disabilities who can work by allowing us to earn and save more compared to traditional disability Medicaid.

This is crucial because employer or marketplace insurance plans don’t typically cover the services and supports employees many with disabilities need to function. I doubt most of us can pay for them out-of-pocket. Without Medicaid, I can’t get out of bed. Without MWI, I can’t afford to work.

MWI has its challenges. Total income can only be a bit more than $6,500 a month. This is fun if there are three pay periods in a month. With a two-bedroom apartment running around $2,200+ a month, it’s doable for me. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work so well for someone making more.

These limitations are why the DLC thanks Rep. Daily-Provost for bringing HB 310 forward. It could make Medicaid available to more Utahns with disabilities who need it. Even so, the cost shouldn’t increase significantly because the bill requires cost-sharing and ensures Medicaid only pays for needed supports or services unavailable in the private market.

Thank you for your time and support.
