Fact Sheet
Updated: 10 months ago
Accessible Meetings – Improving Utah’s Caucus Meetings
Voting Rights
Accessible Meetings – Improving Utah’s Caucus Meetings
The Disability Law Center hosted a free, online webinar on reasonable accommodations in the workplace. This training focused specifically on accommodations for working from home and requests for leave. DLC […]
DLC hosted a training in April 2022 on Reasonable Accommodations from the Employer’s Perspective. Our guest speaker was Bob Coursey. Bob has been an employment lawyer for over 20 years. […]
We hosted a webinar discussing reassignment as a reasonable accommodation. Tune in to hear one of our attorneys discuss the ins and outs of this workplace accommodation!
This video has audio description. In most Utah Counties, voters who cannot read or mark a mail paper ballot experience significant barriers in voting. Everyone should have equal access when […]
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
This table helps explain the differences between supported decision-making and guardianship. Supported Decision-Making Guardianship Lets an adult make their own decisions. Supporters help the individual gather and evaluate information needed […]
What is Supported Decision-making? Supported decision-making (SDM) lets adults with disabilities make their own decisions with the help of people they trust. We all use SDM, whether it’s asking a […]
What is advocacy and why is it important? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, advocacy is “The act or process of supporting a cause.” The Utah State Legislature depends on YOUR […]
How do I find and contact my legislators? To find your legislators, input your address or zip code into the Utah State Legislative District Maps. Click on your Representative and […]