Accessible Voting: Disability Law Center’s Utah Caucus Assessment Project

Updated: 7 months ago
AccessibilityVoting Rights

The Disability Law Center, administers Utah’s Protection and Advocacy for Voting Access (PAVA) program, established under Title III of the Help America Vote Act.

PAVA’s focus is to participate in advocacy and education efforts around the Help America Vote Act and other federal laws which govern accessible election practices. Party sponsored elections, including caucus and convention meetings, are the gateway to the electoral process. For this reason, the DLC is committed to providing training and technical assistance to ensure that every citizen who chooses to, may participate fully in candidate selection.

Laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, have provisions which protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination by public and private entities to ensure that they have equal access to community life. Acknowledging persistent voting discrimination, Congress ensured that the ADA applied to all aspects of voting, including voter registration, site selection, and the casting of ballots on Election Day or during early voting. Poorly planned caucus meetings run the risk of defying these important laws. That is why it is imperative that careful selection of meeting spaces, advertising instructions about how to request an accommodation, designing meeting materials, and thoughtfully conducting the meeting, prioritize access and ensure that everyone can participate equally.

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