Disability Law Center
The Disability Law Center (DLC) is a private, non-profit organization designated by the governor as Utah’s Protection and Advocacy (P&A) agency. Our mission is to enforce and advance the legal rights, opportunities, and choices of Utahns with disabilities.
Mission Statement
The Disability Law Center advances and enforces the legal rights, choices, and opportunities of Utahns with disabilities.
Vision Statement
The Disability Law Center envisions a just society where Utahns with disabilities are free from stigma, discrimination, and abuse. They have the authority to make their own decisions and the same rights and opportunities as those without disabilities. Their voices are heard, which inspires discussion and motivates change. Utahns with disabilities have equitable access to supports and resources needed to be as independent as possible and full participants in their communities.

Advocating on Your Behalf
The Disability Law Center provides services to individuals with a broad range of disabilities, including but not limited to:
- Developmental disabilities
- Physical disabilities
- Mental illnesses
- Emotional impairments
- Learning disabilities
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Intellectual disabilities
- Sensory disabilities
- Chronic health conditions
Due to limited staff and financial resources, the scope of the DLC’s work focuses on specific service priorities. A comprehensive priority setting process helps us determine which issues and groups have the greatest need – so that our resources can be put to the best use.
The DLC’s Board of Trustees approves each goal plan before it is implemented. The process outlined above has resulted in our current priorities.
James B. Lee Justice Center

The James B. Lee Justice Center allows DLC, Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake, and Utah Legal Services to provide free legal help for Utahns.