Our History

From a humble beginning in 1978, the Disability Law Center (DLC) looks much different than it once did. We started with just two employees and a budget of just $55,000. Now, with over 30 employees and an annual budget of $1.9 million, we are the disability law authority in Utah. Though our size and our impact have grown, we’re reminded that our principles and mission have stayed the same. So, how did we get here?


Rosewood Terrace Closes its Doors

The DLC forces Rosewood Terrace to close its doors by joining a multi-agency investigation and helping to establish the nature and extent of abuse and neglect against residents at the facility.

The Disability Law Center

The Legal Center for People with Disabilities changes its name to the Disability Law Center.

The ADA Signed into Law

The Americans with Disabilities Act is signed into law and prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability, impacting the lives of more than 53 million Americans.

The Lisa P. v. Angus Lawsuit

The DLC files the Lisa P. v. Angus lawsuit, requiring the Utah State Developmental Center (USDC) to follow a set of evidenced-based principles to determine the most appropriate, least restrictive, and most enabling environment for each resident. As a result of the case, the USDC population decreased from 450 to 230.


The Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Act is introduced to help protect the civil and human rights of people with psychiatric disabilities in Utah.

