PAIMI Advisory Council

What is the PAIMI Act?

In 1986, Congress took significant action to stop abuse, neglect, and other rights violations against people with mental health disabilities by passing the Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Act. The PAIMI Act expanded the mandate of Protection & Advocacy (P&A) organizations, like the DLC, to include advocacy for people with mental health disabilities. Initially, the Act only included services for people living in or recently discharged from institutions. However, Congress expanded the PAIMI Act in 2000 to include advocacy on behalf of people with mental health disabilities living in the community. The PAIMI Act authorizes the DLC to investigate abuse and neglect against people with mental health disabilities, and to advocate for their legal rights. This program is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

What is the PAIMI Advisory Council?

The Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Council advises the Disability Law Center (DLC) on the priorities and policies which guide its work to protect and advocate for the rights of Utahns with mental illness. The Council is composed of consumers of mental health services, family members, providers, attorneys, and other interested persons from the community. The Council Chair also serves as a liaison to the DLC’s Board of Trustees.

Current PAIMI Advisory Council Members

Bob MacGillivray

Bob is a trained special education teacher with forty years working with youth in detention facilities and group homes, adults in correctional facilities, and counseling adults with drug and alcohol dependency issues.  He ended his career working […] Continue Reading

Taylor Moore

Amy Morgan

Attorney, PAIMI Advisory Council Secretary
Amy is an attorney whose career has focused on helping members of underserved communities, including victims of domestic violence, unhoused individuals and those with disabilities. She is a new member of the PAIMI council and is looking forward to […] Continue Reading

Edna Moss

Michael Ricci

PAIMI Advisory Council Chair


How To Participate

Anyone interested in serving on the PAIMI Council, please review the information available on the PAIMI Advisory Council Membership Application page.

If you have a comment you would like the PAIMI council to consider, please submit it through our survey.


PAIMI Advisory Council Calendar

A woman speaker in the background speaks at a conference.

The PAIMI Council meets the first Wednesday of each month at the DLC Office or via Zoom, excluding July and December. Anyone interested in attending a meeting, please contact the PAIMI coordinator, at (801) 363-1347, or email
